Why a Blog?

I decided to write this blog, as I thought it would be helpful to other families who have a child with Perthes Disease. It is an honest diary of events and feelings.

Hope it helps,

Thursday 10 April 2008

February 2008 Annabels Arthrogram

Annabel went for her arthrogram in February. An arthrogram is where they inject dye into the bone and scan it to see what damage there is. They choose general anesthetic because children tend to riggle. I was so nervous. She was very brave. She wasn't keen on the injection for the anesthetic, but the doctor was great and with a little help from the gas she went under.

It took about 20 minutes and within 10 minutes of coming out - Annabel was eating 2 pieces of toast. The progress was as expected - more detereation of the bone.

Check up in 6 weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Angela,
Thanks so much for your blog. I am the founder of the Legg Perthes Support Group, Int'l. and when we started down this road in 1994, I didn't know of any family dealing with the disease. When I finally got online in 1999, there were very few websites about children with the disease.

We were fortunate because, even though our son had a really poor prognosis, he had a really great outcome. It was for that reason I started the website-to encourage other families looking for information and encouragement.

Since then, our son is now 20, very physically active in extreme snowboarding, white water rafting, Tae Kwon Do, and hiking. I think the thing I'm most grateful about this disease, if one can say that, is the person it made my son. It taught him lots of character issues that many children never have the opportunity to learn.

Thanks for being a presence on the internet, bringing awareness and hope to others. I appreciate it.

Barb Kelly
Founder, Legg Perthes Support Group, Int'l.