Why a Blog?

I decided to write this blog, as I thought it would be helpful to other families who have a child with Perthes Disease. It is an honest diary of events and feelings.

Hope it helps,

Friday, 11 April 2008

April 11th 2008 - Bell's upset

Explained to Annabel this eveing about how she will get around in her cast in a wheelchair. It's the first time she has got upset. She does not want to go to school in a wheelchair. Hopefully the can arrange home tuition - how I will organise things though, with work, I don't know. But needs be - and I will do anything for her.

I explained about the broomstick plaster and showed her some pictures of a boy in a cast in his wheelchair. I think the more we talk about it the better.

This site may be of help

Thursday, 10 April 2008

April 10th 2008 -Bad news

It was Annabels 6 week check up today. I was feeling positive about it as her limp and pain had not got any worse. We went in and Dr Price did the usual tests of moving her legs in different positions to see what range she has.

The news was not good. He suggested that because her range was very limited - very stiff, that she should be put into broomstick plaster (double full length leg plaster with a bar between them) as soon as possible.

My heart sunk and I cried as they measured her for a wheelchair. This was so real now. Completely gutted. My world or should I say our families world was rocked and changing again. Annabel as usual took it really well, as children do.

We have to wait now for a wheelchair to be ordered, then they will fit her plaster. She will have a plaster on for 6-8 weeks. Depending on how well things go - whether she gains any more range, they will operate or not.

Now I am looking for advice on how I get her around and in a car with a double leg plaster.

Life goes on.

February 2008 Annabels Arthrogram

Annabel went for her arthrogram in February. An arthrogram is where they inject dye into the bone and scan it to see what damage there is. They choose general anesthetic because children tend to riggle. I was so nervous. She was very brave. She wasn't keen on the injection for the anesthetic, but the doctor was great and with a little help from the gas she went under.

It took about 20 minutes and within 10 minutes of coming out - Annabel was eating 2 pieces of toast. The progress was as expected - more detereation of the bone.

Check up in 6 weeks.