Why a Blog?

I decided to write this blog, as I thought it would be helpful to other families who have a child with Perthes Disease. It is an honest diary of events and feelings.

Hope it helps,

Sunday 25 May 2008

The operation is imminent

We are going to see Dr Price every wed for Annabel's weekly checkup. She has now been in plaster for nearly 3 weeks. The previous week, she had her plasters changed, as she was complaining of pain in her left knee. When the plasters were removed, the knee had lost the skin off it, due to rubbing. Poor thing!

Darren (dad), put the suggestion forward: why can't she just have the plaster up to her knees? Dr Price said, why not? So they were put on just up to the knee. This is so much easier for everyone, as she can bend her knees. Fab!

Annabel had an x-ray last week also, to see if the leg had gained any mobility. she has gained 10 degrees. Dr Price now wants to operate in the middle of June (earlier than expected). it involves cutting the femur and moving the bone. It's quite dfficult to explain in writing. But it will mean the leg will end up slightly shorter. He said that there are ways of treating this - still what another blow.

Annabel is well and coping with everything. Hoping to go to school in a week - just waiting for a helper that can lift her through doors, toileting etc.

A photo I took with my new camera!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Wednesday 7th May 2008 - The cast is on!

We decided to bring our holiday forward as Annabel was to have her broomstick cast put on sooner than we thought. we spent the week in Turkey, where Annabel thoroughly enjoyed. She did however feel more pain, simply because she was more active in the pool etc. We arrived back on the Monday. Tuesday her wheelchair arrived. We were all pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to dismantle and put in the car. Annabel thought it was cool!

Wednesday then arrived. We got to Morriston Hospital fracture clinic and was sent for an x-ray. Yes it had progressed (as expected), but further than Dr Price thought it would be. He also said that her range in her hip had got worse. He then went on to say that she would probably need the operation after the 2 months is up - gutted.

The plasters were put on - bright barbie pink! Annabel loved them. The bar was put in (a crutch cut down to size). The bar was to be adjusted every couple of days to extend the width of her legs. This was to prepare her for the op.

Annabel is now used to going around the house in her wheelchair. We carry her upstairs - hard work. It has to be done though.

Tried to apply for a blue badge for disabled parking, but was knocked back and would take a month to come through. Great!

Very hard to get her in the car (Focus). Are now looking for a bigger one (Citroen Picasso).

Annabel is very brave and coping with it very well. We are very proud of her.

Bell taking it easy watching TV in prime position!