Her poor legs were stick thin, bless her, and all crusty! She was offered to have a bath, but declined, so I gave her legs a good scrub and moisturise. Her slot, was to be around lunch time. Before the operation the magic cream was applied, and she was also to have a sedative half hour before. This was given, but then the trolley arrived to take her to Theatre - not long enough to work.
Annabel refused to go, and started screaming crying, so much so, that I had to carry her through the corridors to theatre. An absolute nightmare. It was so horrifically upsetting for all. I'll never forget it.

She had gas, and settled after a while. Then the wait....
Annabel had gone to Theatre about 1:15pm and the nurse had called us to say she was in recovery around 4:00pm. I thought great we can see her, but they wouldn't let us see her was nearly an hour - torture.
When we went into recovery, she looked awful, so pale, with an oxygen mask on, and so still. She was sedated, and would not come fully around for a good few hours. Again, so upsetting for both Darren and myself.
And so we went back to the Ward.
Annabel came round fully a couple of hours later, when Mr Price visited. He explained that she had lost a lot of blood which was normal for this bone operation. She may need a blood transfusion. We were devastated at this news. Blood tests were taken and the level was low. She was given iron.
Annabel was very tired. Her leg was in a sling and was quite uncomfortable. She had painkillers and had to use a bed pan, which was an event in its self. She screamed for fear of pain. She was bed ridden for 4 days -the hardest part of the stay. She coped really well with the pain, but was very frustrated at not being able to get up. Every time I tried to move her her screams would have me in floods of tears.

Annabel finally was allowed out of bed after 5 days. This again was a challenge, but after the screams and shouts, she did it. This was freedom for her to get into the play room with her new friends at hospital.
Every stage was a challenge and she finally got in the hydro pool 8 days after the operation. Again very scared to get in, but once in - loved it!
We were allowed to leave on day 10. The nurse changed her dressing, and we were able to see her wound for the first time. I'd say it was about 8 inches in length, with internal and paper stitches. By the way - I slept there every night and stayed every day only leaving for baths! Not exactly a great relaxing place to be!
Annabel was to take a zimmer walking frame and crutches home. She was still very weak and her legs were very thin.
She was to have hydro twice a week and in the gym once a week.